Choreographer’s note

Tragedy 2.0 | Athens 2018 Choreographer's noteThe collaboration with Medea Electronique is an opportunity for me to explore the relationship between the technology and the body, and discover the possible…


Tragedy 2.0 | Athens 2018 CreditsMEDEA ELECTRONIQUE  With a creeping pun between Medea and Media (the new media), Medea Electronique was founded in 2006 and consists of creative people who share…


Tragedy 2.0 | Athens 2018 Performance Credits Concept & Curation: Medea Electronique Music: Manolis Manousakis, Dimitris Tigkas, Guido de FlaviisDramaturge: Angeliki Poulou Choreography: Sébastien Perrault Video mapping, live visuals, motion tracking: Vicky Bisbiki Interactive system application:…