
Tragedy 2.0 | Athens 2018 Address by the Secretary-General, Ministry of Culture and SportsAddress by the Secretary-General, Ministry of Culture and Sports  For a second year, Michael Cacoyannis Foundation realizes the…


Tragedy 2.0 | Athens 2018 ExhibitionPrometheus 2.0 - Group exhibition  (painting, photography, installations, sculpture, mixed media, video art)    Participating artists: Vassiliki Antonopoulou, Katerina Antonopoulou, Chrisa Valsamaki, Simis Gatenio,Nikos Giavropoulos, Dimitra Dimopoulou, Angeliki Douveri,…

Medea Electronique Note

Tragedy 2.0 | Athens 2018 Medea Electronique NoteTo kill the death: Have we succeededto convert the longevity supplementin a lifetime supplement?Franck Damour, Heureux les mortels, car ils sont vivantsContinuing our…