Electras of the World
Electras of the World Comics Exhibition Stories inspired by the tragedies “Electra” (by Euripides and Sophocles) and the Libation-bearers (by AeschylusApril 28 – May 10 2022Action: “Establishment and Promotion of…
Electras of the World Comics Exhibition Stories inspired by the tragedies “Electra” (by Euripides and Sophocles) and the Libation-bearers (by AeschylusApril 28 – May 10 2022Action: “Establishment and Promotion of…
"Atreides: The Greek and Czech Society Turned Upside Down on Stage" Investigating the reception of Atreides The hybrid webinar and international forum continues with the participation of important theatre artists…
PRESS RELEASE Takeaways from the First in a series of hybrid webinars on Atreides: The Greek and Czech Society Turned Upside Down On Stage Takeaways from the First in a…