2014 Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Hall: Theatre Hall of the Michael Cacoyannis Foundation
Time: 20:30
Duration: 50 minutes
Free Entry – Mandatory reservation
Seats allocated on a First Come, First Served basis
Information – Reservations: Michael Cacoyannis Foundation’s box office (206 Piraeus str., Tavros) and by phone (210.341 8550 & 579), Mon. – Fri. 11:00 – 14:00
Watch the show’s trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKtkpNjGfq0

If Lysistrata’s revolt had turned into a radical revolution, at the end of which women ruled instead of men, what would that world look like?
Inspired by Aristophanes’ comedy, using images, characters, and subjects taken from the original text, an innovative stage and visual interpretation locates the play in a post-revolutionary, futuristic world where women rule and run the entire apparatus of power and government. They are headed by a half woman / half goddess super-being called Lysistrata, who is the prime ruler and imposes her doctrine in the dictatorial style of an ideological or religious cult. The totalitarian regime is based on mechanisms that combine magic and ritual, alongside technologies that aggrandize the powers of the women, inspired by models taken from historical matriarchal periods.
In addition to a sound-track, the performance combines choreography with video and photos, shown simultaneously on stage. This creates a live “cinema-like” world in which the play’s activities and the projected visuals interplay and create a differently textured performance language. The stage work consists primarily of motion and is based on dance and performance.
The video serves as a plastic material that at times shapes the space concretely (as a basis for describing a specific place and displaying images related to the story and materials that advance the plot), and at other times is simply abstract, as an expression of emotions related to the figures or the on-stage activities.
Production Credits
Created, Directed, Choreographed by Emanuella Amichai
Co-created, Video art direction, Sound editing by Ran Slavin
Production & Technical Management: Ofer Lachish
Photographs: Din Aharony
Actress – Performance Artist: Gina Ben-David
Dancer – Actress: Shani Ben-Haim
Actor – Director: Yishay Ben Moshe
Actress – Dancer: Meirav Elchadef
Athlete – Performer: Olga Kourkouline