2015 University of Arts Helsinki & Aalto University - Antigone Reloaded

Members Of The Perfomance

Janne Pellinen

Theatre director

(Born Helsinki September 11th, 1975)


Before starting his studies in 2010 the Theatre Academy Helsinki (Theatre and Drama MA Programme) Janne completed his Masters degree in law 2002 in the University of Helsinki and worked several years as a lawyer in the game industry.


Janne has directed works for Teater Viirus Helsinki, Teatteri Takomo, Svenska Teatern, Finnish National Theatre tour repertoire and radio drama for the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE. His works have toured and are touring in several theatre festivals including Hanko Theatre Festival, Edinburgh International Festival and the internationally renowned Tampere Theatre Festival.

Janne is also a member of the avant-garde group Reality Research Center based in Helsinki.


Linda Martikainen


Linda Martikainen is a Finnish dancer and choreographer with an international background. Linda did an exchange program in Tisch University, New York, and graduated as a dancer from Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD), where she performed in pieces of Jozef Frucek & Linda Kapetanea, Martin Kilvady and Matej Kejžar. Currently, Linda is based in Helsinki, Finland, where she’s doing MA in choreography at University of the Arts Helsinki Theater Academy.


”Lately in each of my works, I have worked with large amounts of one particular object, like fabrics and ping-pong balls. I’m fascinated by the relations of humans and objects. I’m interested in finding alternative ways of being throughout spending time with an object. An object has it’s own way of being and it has its exquisite affect on its surroundings. It’s a matter of recognizing this way of being and asking oneself how it makes one feel and behave. By identifying the features of that particular object one is able to start a dialogue with it. In this gathering, it gets difficult to point out the one who is leading the encounter. Occasionally, it seems that the objects are moving the humans. In this case it’s not that the animate and the inanimate are related as a subject and an object, but as equal composers of the moment. This relationship is my main interest while designing the artistic part of my MA thesis.”



Annina Nevantaus


Annina Nevantaus is a Finnish scenographer presently completing her MA-studies at Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture. She has previously earned BA degrees in both costume design and set design for stage. Her recent works include scenography and costume design for a variety of performances stretching from contemporary drama to children’s theatre, contemporary dance and exhibition design. “What inspires me on stage is to see detailed and accurate perceptions reflecting on the surrounding reality.”


Tiina Hauta-aho

Costume designer

Tiina Hauta-aho is a freelancer set, costume and lighting designer from Helsinki. She has been working around Finland since 2005.


Susanna Suurla

Costume designer

After working in various roles both in theater and film for a decade, I craved a change. At the moment I am a first year MA student in Costume Design at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. As a student I have a perfect opportunity to concentrate into researching and developing my professional thinking and artistic practices. Both as a student and a professional, I am pursuing to expand my creative limits and to renew my visual expression. Right now I am interested in costume led performances and strong three dimensional forms of design.


Luca Sirviö

Lighting designer

Luca Sirviö (b. 1991) is a Helsinki based lighting designer. She has graduated from University of the Arts Helsinki (Theatre Academy) with a degree in lighting design and currently studies in the master program. She works mostly in the field of contemporary dance and drama with both Finnish and international partners. Besides Finland her work has also been seen in Hong Kong and Singapore. In her work she focuses on emotion rather than rational thinking and her approach to lighting design plays with the idea of creating strong feelings and atmospheres while still maintaining simplicity.


Albert Lenkiewicz


Albert Lenkiewicz (born 1988, in Jalasjärvi, Finland) started playing flute at the age of eight under the tutorage of Auli Tuohimäki. Soon after, he became also interested in composing, conducting, improvisation and the history of music. Lenkiewicz has been taught by his father Stefan Lenkiewicz, a musician himself, and, since 2007, composer Joose Tammelin. In 2009 Lenkiewicz entered the Sibelius Academy with composition as his major. His teacher there is Veli-Matti Puumala.


Tuomas Kettunen

Composer/ percussion

Tuomas Kettunen (b. 1992) studies music composition at the Sibelius-Academy in Helsinki with composer Tapio Tuomela. He has also worked as a percussionist in orchestras and ensembles in Finland. With his music, Kettunen wants to break the boundaries of categorization of arts and blend different genres, aesthetics and artforms. He has worked with contemporary classical music, jazz, electronic music, theatre- and film music. Narrative qualities of music are important to all of his works.


Anne-Mari Alaspää


Anne-Mari Alaspää (born 8 April 1989) is a Finnish actress. She studied acting in the University of the Arts in Helsinki and graduated as a Master of Arts in 2015. During the studies she was an exchange student for one year in RESAD, Spain’s Royal School for Dramatic Arts in Madrid, Spain. There she was studying physical theatre and acting. 


She has acted in theatre in City Theatre of Jyväskylä (“Sleeping Beauty”, directed by Sakari Hokkanen) and in Helsinki in Theatre Takomo (“Vain kauniit ja laihat naiset”, directed by Alma Lehmuskallio), in a movie (“Suden vuosi”, directed by Olli Saarela) and in television series (“Tellus”, “Virta” and “Nollatoleranssi”, directed by J-P Siili and “Rakkauden nälkä”, directed by Juha Lehtola) . She is now working in Jyväskylä City Theatre, Finland.


Minerva Kautto


Member of Theatre Quo Vadis since the age of 5. The company has performed all around Finland with various plays (“Objects and Emotions”, “BurningBurning”, “Hamlet”, “Kinder Garden”, “Arctic Happiness”, “Poetry Band” and “Ritual”). Quo Vadis has also been performing at international festivals in Cairo, Paris, Rostock, Madrid, Stockholm and Zakopane. Currently working on a play called Evolution that will have its premiere in Helsinki in August 2015.


Started her studies in the Helsinki Theatre Academy in 2009 and finished them in 2015 with a master’s degree. Additionally studied one year in Madrid (Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático) as an exchange student. Speaks French and Spanish fluently.


Elias Keränen


Elias Keränen started his acting career in a little city called Kajaani in 2002. His first play was Astrig Lindrgen’s Ronja Robbersdaughter where he played the role Birk. After that he was a part of Kajaani’s amateur theatre and Kajaani city theater. He then studiet at the Theatre Academy Helsinki between 2010 and 2015 graduating MA. He has worked in Kajaani and Oulu city theatre and Ryhmäteatteri in Helsinki. He also has made radio plays, television programs and movies to Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE. Elias Keränen has also done internationals studies with Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (GITIS) in Moscow.


Pyry Nikkilä


Pyry Nikkilä gratuated with a MA in Acting from Theatre Academy Helsinki in 2015. He has worked as an actor at Ryhmäteatteri, Teatteri Jurkka, Hämeenlinnan teatteri and Finnish National Theatre. Pyry has also a vast background in music. He plays guitar in different groups and has composed music for theatre, film and recordings.


Pyry Äikää


Pyry Äikää began his acting career as a member of Helsinki Student Theatre. He then studied at the Theatre Academy Helsinki between 2010 and 2015 graduating MA. He has worked at Teatteri Takomo, but also in free theatre groups such as Noblemetaltheatre and Kokkolan Taiteellinen Teatteri. Pyry’s latest international studies were with International Michael Chekhov Training, and a co-operation with the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (GITIS) in Moscow.


Miki Brunou

Sound design

Miki Brunou is a sound artist working in different mediums ranging from solo performances to theatre and film sound design. He started his career collaborating with various Finnish underground musicians, mapping the outer limits of pop music before plunging into sound design and outré exercises in the field of electronic music. As an artist involved with varied aural experimentations, he specializes in extracting the accidental musicality from the by–‐products of various human activities, finding equal inspiration from lush harmonies and harsh noise. Miki is currently doing MA programs at Theatre Academy Helsinki’s Department of Lighting and Sound Design and Aalto University’s Medialab.


Samantha Jane Airey

Costume design assistant and special constructions

Samantha Jane Airey is a second year BA Hons student at Edge Hill University, UK. Currently she studies at Aalto University as a part of the Erasmus exchange program. Costume design, costume in theory, and technology with costume designing are some of her key interests which she has pursued at Aalto. Recent work includes on-set costume designer for short film Stranden (2015).


Melissa Svensson

Costume design assistant and special constructions

Melissa Svensson is a second year Stage Design student attending Edge Hill University, UK. She is currently attending Aalto University of Arts, Design and Architecture as part of the Erasmus Exchange programme focusing on the fields of construction planning and scenic material techniques.


Riccardo Mainetti

Costume design assistant and special constructions

Riccardo Mainetti is a second year BA student at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, Italy. Currently, he studies at Aalto University in the frame of the Erasmus exchange program. He is studying scenography for theatre, and set design for television and cinema; during this period at Aalto University he is interested in costume design and costume in theory.