• Address by the Secretary-General, Ministry of Culture and Sports

    Address by the Secretary-General, Ministry of Culture and Sports 
    For a second year, Michael Cacoyannis Foundation realizes the research – artistic programme “Ancient Drama: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Art Approaches”, aiming this year at a methodical and systematic meeting of the ancient Greek tragedy with the digital means and tools, entitled “Tragedy 2.0”.
    Seeing the theatrical plays of the classics from new, fresh and sometimes provocative perspectives, this year the Foundation is using digital devices, electronic multimedia, and information technology applications to convey its message. In other words, it is trying to combine, intertwine and connect the ancient tragedies with the virtual reality of the cyberspace of our era in a clearly defined institutional, scientific but also artistic context.  
    The success of the final product is doubtful, the risk is existing, the stakes are high and that is exactly why it is a big challenge. In any case, though, a gate will be opened· another way of assessment and use of the functions of the classic texts will be found, one that we hadn’t imagined before. And finally, like in the stark mathematics of computers, double negation may constitute the safest affirmation. 
    The truth is that we admire the resourcefulness and the boldness of the Foundation, which evolves quickly in becoming a point of reference for the innovative and experimental interpretations of the ancient dramaturgy, while at the same time we cannot but express our high regard for the tireless diligence, poise and seriousness of its partners and staff.   
    We wish the best of luck to this initiative and that Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, which has got us used to pleasant surprises with its unconventional and “strange” ideas, continues to have such energy and keeps on exploring.  
       Maria Andreadaki – Vlazaki, PhD   
    Ministry of Culture and Sports
  • Address by th G. Man./Vice Chancellor MCF

    By the General Director/ Vice President, Board of Directors Michael Cacoyannis Foundation
    Le Dieu est Mort. Lacan’s famous quote becomes the title of the first scene of Medea Electronique performance that is presented in this year’s programme ‘Ancient Drama: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Art Approaches’, as part of the Act ‘Establishment and Promotion of International Institutions of Contemporary Culture in Attica’. Activating the prophecy that Julian the Apostate was given from the Oracle of Delphi: Tell the king: the lush courtyards are destroyed, gone, Phoebus doesn’t have a shack anymore, neither foreseeing laurel nor a talking well, and the honeyed water has gone silent.
    The old gods have been banished. While the new ones are wandering, without having something to do. But the myth longs again to become myth, word, life. On this route, together with esteemed colleagues, we form the research and artistic programme Tragedy 2.0, aiming to approach art as drama, technology as pharmakon (medicine), the limits and convergence, the prospects and restrictions of poetry’s encounter with the new media.   
    The scientific speech and innovative research of ArTeC – Labex Arts – H2H –  with their numerous team – coexist with the artistic experimentations of Medea Electronique and Cie Sébastien Perrault, along with the active domestic research teams at the forum and the artists in the multimedia exhibition Prometheus 2.0.
    An old – but all so new – question is raised again: Myth and technique. The urgency of the return to the grand narratives, using new methodologies and new dramaturgies. We take the risk.  
    Xenia Kaldara